Archbishop Oscar Romero
"When I fed the poor they called me a saint. When I asked why they were poor they called me a communist."
Sun Tzu
"The good leader is the one the people adore; the wicked leader is the one the people despise; the great leader is the one the people say 'we did it ourselves.' "
James Lovelock
"We have grown in numbers to the point where our presence is perceptibly disabling the planet like a disease. As in human diseases there are four possible outcomes: destruction of the invading disease organisms; chronic infection; destruction of the host; or symbiosis - a lasting relationship of mutual benefit to the host and invader. I believe that we have the capacity to choose symbiosis over self-destruction. But we need a rapid, massive and global awakening at a personal level if we are not to go the way of any disease successfully thwarted by its host."
Duane Elgin
"Amid a frenzy of conspicuous consumption, an inconspicuous revolution has been stirring. A growing number of people are seeking a way of life that is more satisfying and sustainable. This quiet revolution is being called by many names, including voluntary simplicity and compassionate living. But whatever its name, its hallmark is a new common sense - namely, that life is too deep and consumerism is too shallow to provide soulful satisfaction."
Robert Putnam
"Humans are social beings, so it is little surprise that good relationships are one of the most important ingredients for a high quality of life."